I, have been made aware of, and indicated my understanding and agreement with, the preceding conditions of participation and associated waivers of liability with Hand in Hand Support programs, services, activities, and residences. I further agree to follow all rules, regulations, and conditions, as may be amended from time to time, associated with my participation in Hand in Hand Support programs, activities, services, as well as those of Hand in Hand Support Residences in effect at the time of my residence. I am aware that if I fail to follow any of the conditions contained in this Admission Package and as may be amended from time to time and/or provided subsequently to my admission, including but not limited to the possession, use, provision for use by another, or sale of any drug and/or alcohol (excluding prescription medication when used as prescribed by the person to whom it is prescribed) at or on any Hand in Hand Support Residence, property, program, and/or activity my participation and/or residence with Hand in Hand Support will be terminated and I will be immediately and peaceably removed from the property and/or residence.
By printing my name below I consent that this is my electronic signature.